Here is where I climbed Steeply tilted hillsides Gnarled apple trees Fences of stone Nearly vertical stairs To my bedroom Ladders to the haymow Or up the silo chute Here is where I walked Through grasshoppers Pregnant corn Black-eyed susans Dust powder dry Dark ferny woods Muddy ooze Rock slippery streams Learning the earth With my feet And the life With my sinews. Here I Carried Pails of warm fragrant milk Soft downy newborn pigs Acrid fertilizer Bales of hay Buckets of gathered eggs Still smelling of the nest Here I Pulled The long hay rope back Weeds from the garden rows My body into my tree Milk-filled tits The emptied wagon rack Feathers from scalded hens Here I Pushed Corn stalks into the cutter Needles through garment hems My brother in his wagon The wet mop Across the kitchen floor The calves into their pens Learning the earth With my feet Learning life With my sinews. Here is where I search Time eroded landmarks Sun shimmered days Fields gone fallow Faint flitting echoes Unfamiliar Familiar places. Here is where I learn life With my heart. - Ethel L. Ingalls 1998