Harriet Douglass Stone, oldest of Hubert and Anna Douglass’ children, frequently wrote verse to celebrate family occasions. We know this because it was not uncommon for the poems to be printed in the newspaper along with a reporting of the event, as this one was.
This poem is a good review of the lives of her parents. James Hubert Douglass, called Hubert, was a great storyteller. He and Anna both lived to age 93.
The child who died was Nettie Stone, Harriet’s younger sister, who died at age 14 of typhoid fever.
Harriet Stone was active in community events, played the organ at the church at the Ferry and demonstrated sewing lessons to the local Home Bureau group. She and her husband, Ed Stone, bought the original Douglass homestead on Pillar Point only a few years after Hubert and Anna moved to Sackets Harbor. They lived there until Harriet died in 1936 when Ed Stone sold the farm and went to live with their son Dr. Garland Stone, a veterinarian.
Douglass lineage: Harriet Stone-6, J. Hubert-5, J. Chester-4, James-3, John-2, Alexander Douglass-1
Golden Wedding Anniversary
Just fifty years ago today
Down by the old mill creek,
A happy event occurred I’ll say
When marriage two lives did seek.
When James Hubert Douglas, courageous and strong
Took Anna Flora Lepper to him to belong
A union was made which hasn’t been broken
By divorce or unkind words lightly spoken.
A few short weeks after this event
To the Douglas homestead on Pillar Point they went
There to build and maintain a Christian home
For they both accepted the Lord as their own.
For 26 years they toiled and labored
With many comforts and joys were favored
To the country church they were always true
Of their time and talents they gave not a few.
Four children came to bless their lives
But God called one into Paradise.
Of the other three who are living still
You can form your judgment as you will.
Of sickness and trouble they’ve had their share
But these things never caused them to despair
When the times were hard and the money low
Hubert kept singing his songs just so
In the fall of the year 1903
They left the old homestead in the lea.
To the Lepper farm at Sackets Harbor they came
Where they found it was work just the same.
For 13 years they lived at that place
Dispensing milk and cream with kindly grace.
But the work was too arduous for them both
So they gave up and came here, nothing loth.
For eleven and a half years this has been their home
And we all hope they never more will roam
Many, many times we’ve all gathered here
Where we always found so much good cheer.
So on this their 50th wedding day
We are glad to find them so happy and gay
May the passing years bring them joys untold
Sweet peace, contentment, life’s pure gold.
Harriet Douglass Stone
March 30, 1927